Hi, I am Jiayi Wang. Welcome to my personal website. In this website, I share research ideas, technical blogs, and life experiences.
I receive my PhD degree in robotics from the School of Informatics, The University of Edinburgh in 2023. During my PhD studies, I developed novel methods that can enable online locomotion planning of legged robots.
Currently, I am continuing research in the field of legged locomotion while expanding into loco-manipulation to broaden the application of legged robots.
Please feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss research, collaboration, and job opportunities.
PhD, Legged Robots
The University of Edinburgh
MSc, Artificial Intelligence (Distinction)
The University of Edinburgh
MSc, Mechanical and Automation Engineering
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
BSc, Electrical Engineering
Mid Sweden University
BSc, Artificial Intelligence
Beijing Information Science and Technology University